Farmers from four EU countries protested against the import of grain from Ukraine.

Фермеры из четырех стран ЕС выступили с протестом против ввоза украинского зерна.

Primarily, those present expressed their disagreement with the free trade agreement between the EU and the Mercosur countries (an economic union of South American states) and opposed the duty-free import of Ukrainian goods.

Participants in the demonstration complained about high competition and bureaucracy, calling for changes to EU policies.

According to Czech farmer Petr Chalupka, who took part in the protest, he dislikes "the large number of obligations, paperwork, and registrations" he has to deal with, and he cannot sell his products at the prices at which they are imported from other countries into Europe.

Farmers from Hungary and Austria also joined the protest. They protested against grain supplies from Ukraine, as well as against the EU's "green" climate strategy.

CTK reported that there were allegedly hundreds of tractors and other agricultural machinery at the protests on major and border roads.

In a comment to a television channel, the Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Marek Výborný, stated that he does not understand these protests. According to him, the agreement between the EU and the Mercosur countries cannot push Czech farmers out of the market.