The proposed price cap does not meet the requirements necessary to ensure imports, according to a member of parliament.

Предложенные ценовые ограничения не соответствуют требованиям для обеспечения импорта, считает народный депутат.

"It's surprising because I participated in all the preliminary discussions, and those involved in this import did not confirm [it] in any way," noted the member of parliament.

He emphasized the importance of making a lawful decision and warned about potential consequences.

"If it goes against the logic of operations and the laws of Ukraine, then the consequences will affect all Ukrainians regarding the stability of energy supply. This applies to both residential and non-residential consumers," Kucherенко stressed.

The politician urged the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities (NERC) to make a decision, highlighting the obligation to act in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.