157 orcas washed up on the shores of Tasmania; the survivors will be euthanized.

На берегах Тасмании обнаружили 157 косаток; выжившие будут усыплены.

A pod has stranded on one of the most inaccessible shores in the northwest of the island. The situation has been complicated by weather conditions. Rescuers attempted to pull two individuals back into the sea, but the orcas were repeatedly washed back onto the sandy beach.

In the video, the animals, including calves, are gasping right at the water's edge. "They are looking at me, and I just can't help them," said local resident Joslin Flint, who found the dying orcas.

After consulting with veterinarians, it was decided to euthanize the surviving orcas. According to experts, the animals have been stranded on land for about two days. The carcasses will likely be left on the shore.

The reason why the orcas stranded on the beach is unknown. Scientists often mention the pod leader, who, if sick or disoriented, may lead its companions into a trap. This incident marks the first of its kind in Tasmania in 50 years.