Five women have accused Neil Gaiman of assault, but the author denies any wrongdoing.

Пять женщин обвиняют Нила Геймана в насилии, но писатель отвергает все обвинения.

"I am far from a perfect person, but I have never engaged in sexual relationships with anyone without their consent. Never," stated Gaiman. He added that he revisited conversations with his current accusers, and they all appear to show that "two people are enjoying a consensual sexual relationship and want to see each other again."

Gaiman also emphasized that "some of the horrific stories being told now simply did not happen," while others have been significantly distorted. At the same time, the writer acknowledged that he now understands he "was careless with the hearts and feelings of people," deeply regrets this, and is willing to do the necessary work on himself.

The first accusations against Gaiman were made in 2024. A total of five women have reported instances of violence by the writer. Several of their stories, including allegations of coercion into BDSM practices, were published by Vulture.