Fico claims that foreign forces are planning a coup in Slovakia.

Фицо заявляет, что иностранные силы планируют осуществить переворот в Словакии.

The statements he first made during the parliamentary meeting on Tuesday, where the issue of trust in the government was discussed, were reiterated by Fico on Thursday at the Security Council meeting. The meeting was convened to discuss the alleged intelligence data regarding a coup preparation.

The Slovak Security and Information Service is headed by the son of the deputy chairman of Fico's party. According to this intelligence agency, as noted by Slovak President Peter Pellegrini on Thursday, anti-government protests in the country are organized by a "structure of individuals and organizations," including foreigners, aiming to "increase tensions" within the country. Unlike Fico, the president did not mention any coup preparations.

Previously, the Slovak Prime Minister claimed that certain foreigners, who allegedly participated in organizing protests in Georgia, had arrived in the country. Fico asserted that their goal is to turn peaceful protests into riots that the opposition could exploit to stage a "Maidan," resulting in the government being overthrown or forced to resign.

The pro-European opposition called the Prime Minister's claims about coup preparations ridiculous. One of the civic organizations conducting anti-government rallies noted that the coup plan mentioned in the intelligence report was generated by ChatGPT suggestions for organizing protests.

No decisions were made following the Security Council meeting. The president stated that a state of emergency would not be declared, nor would the right to peaceful assembly be restricted.

The opposition demands the resignation of Fico's government, partly due to his trip to Moscow in December. Fico is in conflict with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, exchanging sharp remarks with him. The Slovak Prime Minister has repeatedly advocated for an immediate peace settlement – including on terms unfavorable to Ukraine. He has also accused Ukraine of harming Slovakia by halting the transit of gas from Russia. Fico's rhetoric towards Ukraine, Russia, and the EU is similar to that of his ally, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and has recently become even more aggressive.

After the failure to discuss the vote of no confidence on Tuesday, the opposition has again submitted the motion for parliamentary consideration. When the meeting will take place is still unknown. The opposition does not have the necessary number of votes to pass a no-confidence vote against Fico; however, the outcome of the vote is unpredictable, as there is no unity within the governing coalition, and it is unclear whether Fico still holds a majority.