Where in Dnipro on December 24 there is no water, heating, and electricity.

Где в Днепре 24 декабря не будет воды, тепла и света?

On Tuesday, December 24, there will be a lack of water supply in certain streets and entire neighborhoods, reports "Vydomo," citing the Dnipro City Council.

Teams from KP "Dniprovodokanal" are working at the following addresses:

– pos. Myrnyi;
– Goncharova St., 32;
– A. Shepardo St., 26;
– Republican St., 33.

Due to repair works, the operation of the KP "Teploenergo" boiler house has been halted, resulting in the suspension of heating supply at:

– Pasteur St., 2;
– D. Yavornytsky Ave., 104;
– Slovak St., 27b.

Additionally, due to work being conducted by the CEK company, electricity supply will be suspended today from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at:

– Vasyl Slypak St.: 50, 50A, 52;
– Denys Kotenko St.: 2, 2A, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 6;
– Engineering St.: 1, 3;
– Bohdan Khmelnytsky Ave.: 109-117 (odd numbers).