How to clean a keyboard after spilling liquid.

Способы очистки клавиатуры от пролитой жидкости: отключите её, переверните, промокните и дайте высохнуть. Используйте мягкую ткань для чистки.
Spilled liquid on a keyboard is one of the most common and frustrating issues a user can encounter. Regardless of what was spilled (water, coffee, tea, or juice), it’s crucial to act quickly to minimize damage and maintain the device's functionality.

This is reported by Glavpost.

Here are several steps to help clean the keyboard after a liquid spill:

1. Immediately turn off the device 

If liquid has spilled on the keyboard, the first thing to do is to turn off the device, whether it's a laptop or a desktop computer. This will prevent short circuits and damage to components.

2. Turn the keyboard upside down 

Invert the keyboard to allow the liquid to drain out. Try to do this as quickly as possible to prevent the liquid from seeping deeper into the device. If possible, gently shake the keyboard to remove any remaining liquid.

3. Wipe the keys and surface 

Use a soft cloth or paper towel to gently wipe the keys and surfaces. This will help remove any residual liquid and prevent it from entering the device. If the spill was minor, this may be sufficient.

4. Allow the keyboard to dry 

After removing all visible liquid, let the keyboard dry in a horizontal position. It’s best to leave it in this position for several hours or, if possible, overnight.

5. Use cleaning tools 

If the liquid has penetrated deeper into the device, disassembling the keyboard may be necessary. Carefully read the instructions for your device or, if that's not possible, use specialized keyboard cleaning tools like compressed air to remove moisture from inside.

6. Check functionality 

Once the keyboard is completely dry, plug the device back in and check if all keys are functioning. If some keys do not respond, you may need to contact a service center for repairs or consider purchasing a new keyboard.

We also wrote about how to remove a grease stain from clothing without washing.