How to store honey properly: secrets for long-lasting preservation without crystallization.

Секреты хранения меда: как сохранить его надолго без кристаллизации. Узнайте, как правильно сохранять этот сладкий продукт!
Honey is not only a delicious but also a beneficial product that is frequently used in cooking and traditional medicine. However, many people encounter the issue of honey crystallizing, turning thick and cloudy. This is a completely natural process, but by knowing a few tips, you can prevent crystallization and keep honey in its liquid form for a long time.

This is reported by Main Post, referencing Express.

As explained by experts from Asheville Bee Charmer: “Any raw honey will crystallize over time, but the type of honey, storage method, and temperature play a crucial role in this process.” The crystallization of honey is temperature-dependent, and the lower the temperature, the faster it occurs. Crystallization is particularly accelerated at temperatures below 10°C.

“Do not store honey in a cool basement or unheated room,” the specialists advise.

This is because such conditions hasten the transformation of liquid honey into a thicker form. It is best to store honey at room temperature, between 10-21°C, and avoid damp or cold spaces such as conservatories, garages, or storage rooms. A cool, dry cupboard is ideal.

Another important factor is the packaging of honey. Experts recommend avoiding plastic containers for honey storage, as plastic is more porous than glass and can allow moisture to seep in, which promotes crystallization.

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