"Metinvest advocates for a delay in the implementation of the environmental fee for SVA at the national level."

"Метинвест" поддерживает предложение о задержке введения экологической пошлины СВАМ на государственном уровне.

According to her, the new environmental fees planned as part of the implementation of European legislation and the introduction of a carbon emissions regulation mechanism should encourage environmental responsibility and reduce climate risks. However, currently, Ukraine lacks the ability to quickly modernize its production facilities to meet European environmental standards, which necessitates delaying the introduction of this duty.

Ukraine should not integrate new regulations into the existing tax system, believes Dankova; instead, a more sensible solution would be to create a new tax that resembles the European environmental duty. However, as noted by the financial director of "Metinvest," the introduction of this tax should be gradual, as the investments required for the transition are substantial. She reminded that European metallurgical companies received billions in state subsidies for upgrading their facilities.

"Unfortunately, during the war, the European Union or the IMF will not be making such investments in our environmental program, so the implementation of the CBAM should also be postponed at the state level. If environmental taxes are introduced without financial support and investments, it will create yet another barrier to Ukraine's competitiveness in the global market," she emphasized.