Over 400 endangered turtles have washed ashore on the coast of India.

На побережье Индии обнаружили свыше 400 черепах, находящихся на грани исчезновения.

Such a number of dead animals was discovered in approximately two weeks, whereas in an average year, up to two hundred adult turtles die in Chennai. Ecologists believe that the main cause is the massive fishing nets in which turtles become trapped and suffocate.

Since 2016, trawlers have been prohibited from approaching Chennai during the turtle nesting season. Animal rights advocates also inform fishermen about the necessity of releasing turtles caught in their nets and request the coast guard to monitor fishing activities.

Every year, olive ridley turtles travel thousands of miles to lay their eggs on the shores of India. In addition to trawling, these animals face threats from water pollution, global warming, excessive light, and overcrowding on beaches. Under such conditions, only one in a thousand hatchlings survives to adulthood. Nevertheless, they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem, including by consuming jellyfish.