For the first time, a Flemish nationalist has been appointed as the Prime Minister of Belgium.

Впервые в истории Бельгии премьер-министром стал фламандский националист.

The "New Flemish Alliance" achieved success in last year's parliamentary elections; however, it could not form a government alone, especially without the participation of parties from the French-speaking part of Belgium - Wallonia. Negotiations for a new cabinet lasted about 8 months and concluded with an agreement on a coalition of five parties. In addition to the "New Flemish Alliance," this includes the Flemish Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, as well as parties from the French-speaking community - the centrist "Reformist Movement" and "Les Engagés." The government will hold 81 seats out of 150 in parliament.

The new government is ideologically more right-leaning than the previous cabinet led by Alexander De Croo. Among its priorities are tightening immigration policy, reforming social policies, including pension reform, and reducing the budget deficit. It is not expected that the new Belgian government will significantly change its policy towards Russia and Ukraine.

The rise of Flemish nationalists to power in Belgium continues the trend of right-wing and nationalist forces entering the governments of European countries, which were previously in opposition - notably, in neighboring Netherlands, where the "Party for Freedom" joined the cabinet. At the same time, the positions of the "New Flemish Alliance" have become more moderate in recent years compared to earlier.