Increasing salaries for employees could help combat corruption in Ukrainian customs, according to the business ombudsman.

Бизнес-омбудсмен считает, что повышение зарплат сотрудников украинской таможни поможет в борьбе с коррупцией.

In a comment to the agency, Vashchuk reported on the existing problems within the authority and the ways to overcome them.

"Firstly, there needs to be consistent leadership. Secondly, customs officers' salaries must be increased, no matter how frustrating this may sound to citizens. A person living on $500 a month cannot manage a flow of tens of millions of dollars. Individuals must feel concerned about their job security. Not only due to the potential for persecution by law enforcement but also for personal reasons: loss of income, wealth, and pension. There are many temptations, but a balance needs to be found," said the business ombudsman.

Vashchuk emphasized that the level of corruption at Ukrainian customs has remained high "for more than just one year," as evidenced by the report from the National Agency for Corruption Prevention in Ukraine (NACP).

"We need to examine the findings of the NACP study on this matter. We haven't looked at it from this perspective. However, the disparity between the official well-being of customs workers and the temptations has undoubtedly been a long-standing issue," he stated.