Szijjártó stated that the US sanctions on "Gazprombank" pose a threat to Hungary's sovereignty.

Сийярто отметил, что американские санкции против "Газпромбанка" ставят под угрозу суверенитет Венгрии.

According to him, representatives from Hungary in Istanbul will discuss the situation with the energy ministers of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, and Serbia, and will be "constantly consulting with their Slovak partners."

"The security of the country's energy supply is a matter of sovereignty. If anyone attempts to threaten the security of our energy supply, whether through sanctions or by halting transit supplies, we will consider it an attack on our sovereignty," Szijjártó wrote.

He added that the Hungarian government is ensuring energy supply in the country despite "external pressure" and will "not betray its national interests."

As reported by Bloomberg, Hungary, like Slovakia and Austria, is among the few countries still reliant on Russian gas, for which they make payments through "Gazprombank." Sanctions could halt supplies and lead to an increase in prices for the blue fuel.