The combined wealth of the world's 500 richest individuals has surpassed $10 trillion.

Общее состояние 500 самых состоятельных людей мира превысило 10 триллионов долларов.

The top three leaders include Tesla and SpaceX owner Elon Musk, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Following them are Larry Ellison, co-founder and former CEO of Oracle, and Bernard Arnault, founder and president of the LVMH group.

The eight leading figures in the tech sector earned a total of over 600 billion dollars in a year, accounting for 43% of the overall wealth increase of one and a half trillion among the 500 billionaires in the Bloomberg ranking.

Statistics confirm the dominance of the tech sector in the global list of the richest individuals, as stated in the publication.

Bloomberg names Elon Musk as the top leader in the ranking. The growth in the value of his companies has been aided by the billionaire's close ties with the elected U.S. President Donald Trump, the agency notes. Musk's fortune increased by 213 billion dollars over the year, surpassing 442 billion.

The 237 billion dollar gap between Musk and Bezos as of December 17 became the largest ever recorded between the first and second places in the Bloomberg ranking.