Several Telegram groups of emigrants have been classified as extremist in Belarus.

В Беларуси несколько телеграм-чатов эмигрантов были признаны экстремистскими.

The list includes the chats "Praga Беларуская ў Варшаве / Praga bialoruska w Warszawie", "Беларусы Віланува. Wilanow Bialoruski", "Беларусы во Влохах, Вва. Bialorusini we Wlochach", "Беларусы Урсынава (Варшава) / Bialorusiny Usrynowa, Wawa", and "Беларусы Варшавы: Mokotow (мокотув) I ня толькі".

As of January 2, 2025, the largest of these, the chat "Белорусы Варшавы: Мокотов (Макотов) и не только", had approximately 2100 participants. The others ranged from 160 to several hundred.

In the Belarusian list of extremist materials, there are nearly 1400 pages. It includes individual web pages, musical compositions, slogans, Telegram channels, images, and other materials. Items are added to the list based on court rulings and suggestions from various government bodies.