The EU is blocking Telegram channels of Russian federal media outlets.

В ЕС закрывают Telegram-каналы российских государственных СМИ.

"When attempting to access the channel's materials, a message appears regarding an alleged violation of local legislation, although no specific examples are provided," — stated RIA Novosti.

Previously, the European Union imposed sanctions on several Russian media outlets, resulting in the shutdown of resources belonging to the media group "Russia Today," including the websites of RIA Novosti, Sputnik, as well as Sputnik's accounts on messengers and social networks.

According to Izvestia, their Telegram channel has also become unavailable in several European countries, including Spain, Germany, Sweden, and Belgium.

Radio Free Europe has also confirmed the blocking of Telegram channels for RIA Novosti, Izvestia, NTV, Rossiya 1, Channel One, the Russian Gazette, and other Russian federal media in Europe.

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