In Kyrgyzstan, wearing a niqab in public places has been prohibited.

В Кыргызстане введён запрет на ношение никаба в общественных местах.

From this moment on, it is prohibited to wear clothing in Kyrgyzstan that "does not allow for the identification of citizens." This rule does not apply to work-related attire or clothing worn for medical reasons that covers the face.

Additionally, the law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Religious Sphere" forbids "converting followers of other faiths, religiously neutral individuals, and atheists to one’s own religion," conducting religious rituals in various institutions, including nursing homes, prisons, and military units, as well as distributing religious literature and other materials in educational institutions, public places, and during house visits.

Violating any of the provisions of this law may result in a fine of 20,000 soms (approximately 230 dollars).

The Jogorku Kenesh adopted this law, along with the law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations," on December 26, 2024. The latter states that individuals wishing to pursue religious education abroad must coordinate their departure with the State Commission for Religious Affairs of Kyrgyzstan and the central governing body of the religious organization.