Ukraine will launch the "eSupport" program, providing every citizen with 1,000 UAH, announced President Zelensky.

В Украине стартует программа "єПідтримка": каждый гражданин получит 1 тыс. грн, как объявил Зеленский.

"I have instructed the government to launch a new program starting December 1st, which will be felt by every family in Ukraine. "eSupport" – for all our people: adults, children, every family in Ukraine. 1,000 UAH per person – this will amount to several thousand UAH for a family," he announced.

The funds received from this program can be used by Ukrainians to pay for Ukrainian goods and services, including utilities and electricity, Zelensky added.

"Tickets – that’s for "Ukrzaliznytsia". Ukrainian medicines. I also instructed that these funds could be spent on Ukrainian books and cultural services. Donations can be made for the military – to volunteers, for drones. All details should be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers and presented to the people. I expect this to happen soon. The money should be with the people by December 1st," he stated.