In new buildings, there should be no windows that allow a view of "the yard, kitchen, neighbor's well, and other places typically used by women." If such windows exist, owners will be required to construct a wall or obstruct the view, "to avoid inconveniences caused to neighbors," states the decree.
Municipal authorities and other relevant departments will need to monitor construction sites to ensure that it is impossible to look into neighbors' homes.
The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August amid the withdrawal of American troops from the country. Soon after taking control, the "Taliban" imposed strict restrictions, most of which affected girls and women.
They are prohibited from receiving education beyond the sixth grade, working in local and international non-governmental organizations, participating in sports, visiting parks, and many public places. Women, who are forced to wear a niqab, typically do not appear in public without male accompaniment.
The UN views the violation of women's rights in Afghanistan as "gender apartheid" and categorizes it as a crime against humanity.
On December 28, Vladimir Putin signed a law allowing organizations (including the "Taliban") to be excluded from the list of terrorists.